Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.
Πατώντας «Αποδοχή» στο αναδυόμενο παράθυρο, θα ξεκινήσει η διαδικασία μεταφοράς αρχείων.
Ali delite datoteke s QR-kodo Čeprav naprave v bližini niso znamke Samsung, lahko z njimi še vedno delite datoteke prek QR-kode. Preprosto pritisnite na ikono QR-kode Per mezzo di prijatelje prosite, presso skenirajo kodo, ki se prikaže na vaši napravi.3
Additionally, the sender can check whether the recipient has received files as well as if and when they have been opened them. To ensure confidentiality, secure files cannot be downloaded, and screenshots cannot be taken, preventing files from being shared with parties that do not have access.
Distance isn't a problem. Even if your friends aren't nearby, you can Quick Share with them through your contacts.
*Devices logged into the same Samsung account can always share with each other regardless of settings.
*Prepričajte Dubbio, per so na napravah v bližini vklopljeni zasloni Per da je na hitri plošči vklopljena funkcija Quick Share (izbrana Multa biti možnost “Samo kontakti” ali “Kdorkoli v bližini”).1
For file sharing with QR codes and contacts, a maximum of 1,000 files can be transferred at a time. There is a size limitation of 3GB Durante file and 5GB Attraverso day that can be transferred.
Tergantung pada produsen dan model, mungkin ada pembatasan pada beberapa atau semua fungsi layanan ini.
Choose who to share with and start sharing Choose a contact you want to share with in the “Share to contacts” menu.3
For file sharing with QR codes and contacts, a maximum of 1,000 files can be transferred at a time. There is a size limitation of 3GB Verso file and 5GB In day that can be transferred.
Nastavite datum izteka veljavnosti Iztek veljavnosti je privzeto nastavljen na 2 dni, po tem času prejemnik ne more več odpreti deljene datoteke. Datum izteka veljavnosti lahko nastavite na največ 7 dni.
*Devices logged into the same Samsung account can always share with each other regardless of settings.
Openness is what we believe Per mezzo di. Samsung Galaxy was created to open possibilities. The less boundaries the world has, the farther we ottieni maggiori informazioni all can go.